The celebration of the European Economic and Social Committee's 50th anniversary is not only about its past but also and mainly about its future and, in particular, its commitment to its 'life donors', Europe's citizens and their organisations.
We must be particularly responsive to the young; every new breath is a new citizen of Europe.
Our Committee will be very close to each of these new citizens, to feel and hear this 'breath', to transform it into 'oxygen' to keep alive the 'body' called 'the European project'
For, in this new era, I have no doubt that the European Economic and Social Committee will be called upon more than ever before to help in ensuring the continuity of the European project.
Increasingly, Europe's institutions and its citizens and their organisations will see the Committee as a bridge, bridging the gap between 'Europe' and the 'Europeans' and thus acting as a lever for progress.
50th Anniversary : 28 May Celebration
2 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. - Extraordinary plenary session
"Involving the future generation in the EU project: The EESC's contribution ?"
At the European Parliament - Paul Henri Spaak Building- Hemicycle
Welcome by José Manuel Barroso, Hans-Gert Pöttering, and Luc van den Brande.
Presentation of declaration drawn up by young Europeans in cooperation with the European Youth Forum and several different organisations of civil society on The role of organised civil society in tomorrow's Europe